Over 2 Billion Dollars in Exchange Transactions Since 2001

1031 Exchange in Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and Entire United States


Dear Investor, Real Estate Agent or other Real Estate Professional:



Congratulations on getting your property under contract. When selling real estate you have only two options:


1. Pay the gains tax                 2.Don’t pay the gains tax!!!



            A powerful, underutilized, 84-year-old section of the Federal Tax Code, Section 1031, allows investors to defer up to 100% of their Federal and State capital gains tax when selling business or investment property. Many people know it as a Starker exchange. We specialize in them.


             Since 1921,  the government policy behind Section 1031 has allowed real estate investors like you to take your equity and reposition it into better property without having to pay capital gains taxes. The government supports Section 1031 because exchanges stimulate the real estate industry and the economy, improve the housing stock and create additional jobs when new or former owners fix up the Relinquished and/or Replacement properties.


                We are nationwide, bonded and insured. In the last couple of years, we have helped hundreds of investors, large and small, by acting as their Qualified Intermediary (“QI”). Your funds are protected, first and foremost, by our integrity. I have personally acted as QI on nearly two billion dollars ($2,000,000,000.00) worth of exchanges in 30+ states, the   District of Columbia , and on exchanges involving foreign property, as well. It is my profession and I take very good care of my customers. In addition, your   exchange funds are sent directly from the settlement attorney to the bank and the funds are held in a separate escrow account with your name and Social Security Number or Taxpayer ID (TIN or EIN) on it.

              If you are selling “…property held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment…(I.R.C. § 1031(a)(1)) and you are interested in buying other property, it may make sense for you to do an exchange and legally avoid paying Federal and State capital gains taxes at this time.But the paperwork must be in place prior to the settlement of the property you are selling (the Relinquished Property).


                 Myths about Starker exchanges intimidate many investors. Many investors believe that exchanges are too expensive or too complicated. For a basic round trip exchange (one Relinquished and one Replacement Property) our fee is only $695, so exchanges make good financial sense and most of our customers avoid/defer 20 to 50 times our fee. Repeat until rich. We do hundreds of exchange transactions every year and we are here to make it easy for you and for everyone else involved in the transaction. Don't let those myths increase your tax payments by $20,000 or $200,000 or more.


               Call now for a free consultation to see if an exchange can save you from paying thousands in taxes! Our company answers your questions, discusses the rules of exchanges and provides the special documentation you need. At BlackAcre 1031 Exchange Services, we can process your exchange quickly, easily and inexpensively. Call or email today to get yours started.



Thanks and regards,

Robert M. Levenson, Esquire*
Managing Member



P.S. If you have already closed, it is too late to defer your taxes on that transaction.


* Inactive Member in Good Standing of the Maryland Bar; Not actively engaged in providing legal or tax advice; Bar Membership provided for informational purposes only.

BlackAcre 1031 Exchange Services LLC


Direct          202-494-2700

Virginia       703-287-8704

Maryland    301-560-0940


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